Live Streaming & Webcasting

How Live Streaming Services Can Magnify Various Business Growths?

“GO LIVE” is the new keystone for success.

Live Streaming Technology is trendy at the moment and constantly evolving. In fact, lately, its usage has boosted up by 4 times. Thus, it is ostensible that live streaming apps are a big thing in the near future.

Who Needs Live Streaming Solutions?

As per the statics, live video content is already in the mainstream right now, so it will be a great thought to start your first broadcast. Live Streaming Services won’t just grab new client’s attention but will ensure the stay of existing users. Live webcasting solutions can help various businesses in:

  • Increasing attraction
  • Allowing real-time deliverance 
  • Establishing brand allegiance
  • Maximizing reach

Live Webcast Business Events For Various Sectors

Many businesses have been using live streaming solutions to improve their growth. By doing this, they get to serve the consumer’s interests and allowing them to go through various facts and details related to the product.

Now, let’s find out how different business sectors can profit from live streaming and how streaming works differently for each one:-

1. Retail Industry

This is a sector consisting of a huge number of apps, and being the most prestigious sector, the owners need constant motivation to keep the customers as to survive the competition. Therefore by using various live webcasting solutions, retailers can use it not just for advertising but to improve overall sales as well. All this can be done by enabling real-time purchases during streaming. Certain other factors to improve overall sales are also discussed below. 

Retail Industry
  • Engage Sales Team – Engaging online sales representatives prior to sell-in can be a huge advantage.
  • Motivate Employees – Making collective internal decisions engages employees which in turn boosts their performance.
  • Educate Retail Associates – Allowing product experts to communicate with retail associates can critically enhance sales.
  • Lure Customers – Initiating online product launches and promoting seasonal flash sales can be beneficial.
  • Engaging on Social Platforms – Endorsing leverage for active followers can drive traffic to owned digital properties.

2. Education

The education industry is already providing live classes to stream activities and lessons from the classroom, so that any student, unable to attend, can easily access the live sessions. They have already been using education live streaming to improve their business growth and are dedicated to enhancing their achievements using live streaming services.  A large number of educational institutes are using live class sessions as a streaming commercial on a global level. Live webcasting solutions generally allow open interaction for the students, which enhances the overall experience.

3. News And Media

With the advancement in technology, came the possibility of live streaming through social media. This has completely transformed the production and consumption of news. News and media companies were the earliest to adopt this innovative transformation and today almost every news channel has its own live webcast business events. This has popularised the service and hence improved their regular stream count boosting it to millions per day. News and media industry, by using the live streaming service can now connect better with its audience and convey a message all-around in a precise manner. They were the first to adopt Live streaming solutions and are completely focused to boost their business growth in the future using the same.

4. Real Estate

This is another major business that can gain the most from live streaming service. An interesting fact is that one of the largest Australian real estate website, Domain uses Facebook Live for the live auction. And not just auctions, but live streaming can also work wonders for real estate display, and users won’t be bound to go anywhere as they can view their favorite properties by just some clicks and snap of a finger. Alongside, real estate email marketing can provide quick responses for queries regarding insurance, residing place, taxes, neighbors, etc. using the live webcasting solution

In the Real Estate market, sales largely depend on the visual components, so usage of live streaming with all the visual details serves the purpose very well. Additionally, low costing and ease-of-use of this service make it very profitable. With the right approach, it also helps in reducing marketing costs involved.

5. Healthcare

This is another important department to be benefitted from the live streaming service, starting from real-time patient support, check patients and providing various analytical results instantly.

Professional experts and experienced doctors can conduct live training sessions for interns and other newbies. Another marvelous benefit of online streaming is that doctors from various regions of the globe can easily confer with each other. Live streaming solves the problems in such tricky cases as any offshore panel of doctors can easily guide the doctor. Instructions can also be easily recorded by the doctor and stored online so the patient can easily reach them in time of need.

There are various ways to perform online streaming and bringing user end in the loop alongside service providers.

Ways To Perform Live Streaming

1. Promote Live Events

The customers feel more comfortable while being a part of live events and to do so, keep these points in mind:

  • Develop stories for them – Allowing the audience to have a wide perspective, keeps them entertained and more connected to the live events.
  • Comment replies – Replying to comments improves the overall experience making the audience feel like a part of the whole event.

2. Hosting Interviews

Show the care for customers by allowing them to ask regarding the product, its development, and its manufacture. this connects the consumer to the organization on a more human side.

How Live Streaming Ensures User Engagement?

The main aspect to engage users in live streaming is to notify them prior to Live Streaming. This improves the participation of users. Replying instantly to comments and broadcasting it along with the username can make sure that the audience stays. 

Another fact to maintain constant user support is to keep the content fresh and creating curiosity filled scripts. The longer a consumer feels that something more is to come, it keeps him engaged with the stream making it a success.

To conclude, Live Streaming Services can turn out to be very beneficial for growing businesses. Established brands and industries can also improve their overall market share by a positive approach towards the Live streaming sector. 

Pushpak Kacholia

A passionate writer and a keen observer of industry trends in technology, With over nine years of experience in managing technical projects and teams, Pushpak is currently the CTO and Business Head of Dreamcast & Webcontxt. With experience across both "products" and "services", he brings in the new innovations to each project. Specialities: Managing Engineering, Product Management, Product Strategy, Talent Acquisition, Innovation.

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