Virtual Event Theme Ideas To Make Your Event Stand Out

The event industry is evolving and events that used to take place in person have moved to virtual platforms. Many individuals seem to enjoy these virtual events. Hosting a virtual event is beneficial not just for the event organizers but for attendees. Event organizers can reach more audiences with virtual event theme ideas. They don’t have to involve with extensive planning as they can host events such events without any hustle due to its cost-effective. And from an attendees point of view they don’t have to travel to any location for attending an event. They can be part of any event they want from the comfort of their home.

There are a plethora of events that you can host. In this article, we are sharing some virtual event theme ideas that will help you reach your audience or engage your team in fun activities, etc.

Top 10 Virtual Event Theme Ideas

Here are the top 10 virtual theme ideas for your next virtual event:

Virtual Concert

The first virtual event theme idea on our list is virtual concerts. Your virtual events don’t need to be basic and boring you can also opt for fun themes for virtual events like you can host a virtual concert. Not just that you can also host a virtual comedy show.

Hosting a virtual concert itself or in between your other event will keep your audience entertained, it is a great way to give your audience a break.

Virtual Photo Booths

Photo booths are becoming a huge part of the event industry. So now event organizers use photo booths for virtual events too. Photo booths are a great fit for all kinds of events. Because images are engaging and attract more audience they can help in promoting and creating customizable, shareable branded content for the event. You can create a virtual mosaic of all the event images.

Game Shows

The next virtual event idea on our list is hosting a game show. Game shows can fit anywhere you can add games to your webinars, your fundraising or social event, etc it is effective to keep your audience hooked till the end of the event. Game shows are also the perfect virtual event party idea.

You can play popular games like Price is Right, Jeopardy, Name that tune, etc.

Virtual Polls & Q&A

You might be thinking that polls and Q&As are part of most virtual events. So yes they are and because they are very effective and make your audience focus on your content so it is essential to host virtual polls and Q&A especially if you want to promote your content through your event. This increases audience interaction and provides the speaker with an overview of the attendee’s knowledge.

Trivia Night

A lot of individuals love to be part of trivia night. You can bring excitement and fun to your events with trivia night. Trivia night can help in team building and is perfect for enhancing networking. Plus these trivia nights also help you learn new things.

You can be more innovative with your trivia night by keeping it virtual event theme based, you can keep the theme of your brand, movie series, television shows, geography, etc.

Social Media Challenges

When we are talking about virtual event theme ideas we can’t skip social media challenges, they are fun, interactive, and promote brand awareness. You

can create private groups on social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, etc for engagement before and during the event.

You can host virtual social media challenges like asking your attendees to post their throwback pictures by tagging you, asking them to share any picture with your product, etc.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt

The next idea on our list is hosting a virtual scavenger hunt. With a virtual scavenger hunt you can be creative, ask your audience to find something at their home or you can invest in a virtual scavenger hunt that is pre-designed for team building.

You can offer rewards for the scavenger hunt as it will motivate your event attendees to actively take part in the event.

Fundraising Event

Fundraisers are the perfect option for virtual events. With fundraising events, you can encourage participants to donate something and you can show them all donations matter irrespective of the amount. You can ask your attendees to donate little something additionally you can take this event to social media and ask your attendees to use your hashtag and challenge others to take part in your event.

Virtual Book Club

The next virtual event theme idea on our list is a virtual book club. Book clubs are social and promote interaction. Book clubs can increase the knowledge of participants, you can host a book club with a theme related to your business, and companies and brands can choose books that are related to their business or that can enhance the knowledge and skills of their attendees. The attendees can relax at their homes, and share a meaningful conversation and their knowledge with other participants.

Virtual Skill Building

Sometimes learning a new skill alone can feel challenging so taking a part in a virtual skill-building event can seem like a great idea to a lot of people. Many people might be interested in learning new skills so you can host a skill-building event.

You can either host a professional skill-building event where you can help attendees learn skills like professional networking, communication, coding, or learning about any tool or platform or you can host a skill-building event for skills like cooking, photography, painting, knitting, writing, etc.

The Bottom Line

Virtual events are perfect for reaching your target audience. They help in interacting and boosting audience attendance. Your audience can attend events from where ever they want these events are like a win-win situation for both the event organizer and event participants.

We have mentioned some creative theme ideas to host a virtual event. They will help you engage your audience. You don’t have to host a normal virtual meeting or conference that looks more like a video call you can experiment and be creative with your virtual events.

In-Person, Hybrid, Virtual

Create an Extraordinary Event Experience
Across All Event Formats

A passionate writer who believes in creating stories and primarily focusing on articles, blogs, web stories, and website content. When I’m not writing you can find me exploring the essence of life through art and books.

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